Palliacco's General Fund - Trek 2025

Help us to maintain the quality of life of people suffering from cancer, caregivers and those who are grieving.

You can make:

  • A one-time gift in an amount of your choice
  • Monthly or annual donations
  • A gift in the memory of someone close (“In Memoriam”)
  • A donation of real property
  • A bequest
  • An amount allocated to a Palliacco project

Donations of any kind can be made on line or by mailing a completed donation form and cheque to Palliacco.

Please give generously!


Make a donation

Donor list

Creation DateFirst nameLast nameCommentAmount
11-12-2024Municipalitédu Lac-Supérieur500.00 $
11-12-2024SamuelBisson4500.00 $
11-12-2024PatriceForget2000.00 $
11-12-2024IsabelMénard500.00 $
11-12-2024Municipalitéde Val-des-Lacs250.00 $
11-12-2024BenoîtForget10000.00 $
11-15-2024AnonymeAnonymeDon anonyme laissé sur une table à Ste-Agathe30.00 $
11-21-2024AnonymeAnonyme40.00 $
11-21-2024CanadonCanadon3.91 $
11-21-2024AnonymeAnonyme13.94 $
11-21-2024JosephRibkoff2000.00 $
11-28-2024IndustrielleAlliance3000.00 $
11-29-2024France-ÉlaineDuranceau2000.00 $
11-29-2024PatriceMarchon500.00 $
12-03-2024GinetteBrisson50.00 $
12-04-2024CarolineDumouchel5000.00 $
12-05-2024ThérèseDufresne100.00 $
12-11-2024AndréGenest100.00 $
12-11-2024GillesBoucher100.00 $

20 Number of donors

Thanks to our partner