Palliacco's General Fund 2024-2025

Help us to maintain the quality of life of people suffering from cancer, caregivers and those who are grieving.

You can make:

  • A one-time gift in an amount of your choice
  • Monthly or annual donations
  • A gift in the memory of someone close (“In Memoriam”)
  • A donation of real property
  • A bequest
  • An amount allocated to a Palliacco project

Donations of any kind can be made on line or by mailing a completed donation form and cheque to Palliacco.

Please give generously!


Make a donation

Donor list

Creation DateFirst nameLast nameCommentAmount
04-02-2024DanielleLeblanc-Carmel1000.00 $
04-09-2024FrédéricBroué2000.00 $
04-11-2024SimoneGress200.00 $
04-11-2024W RobertLaurier500.00 $
04-19-2024LucilleLéonard40.00 $
05-05-2024isabelhardy500.00 $
05-14-2024InconnuInconnu1680.00 $
05-28-2024JacquesGagnon200.00 $
05-31-2024ColombeRobitaille250.00 $
06-06-2024ElaineBertrand100.00 $
06-11-2024IsabelHardy700.00 $
06-23-2024NICOLEDESHARNAISIl me fait plaisir d'avoir le privilège de contribuer pour cette grande cause, Salutations à Mme Chantal Roy et aux généreux bénévoles.500.00 $
07-29-2024GillesPomerleau60.00 $
07-29-2024Chevalier de ColombConseil 2377750.00 $
07-29-2024JocelynLacroix1000.00 $
07-29-2024Club de L'Âge d'Or de VendéeClub de L'Âge d'Or de Vendée141.00 $
08-02-2024AlineBertrand20.00 $
08-02-2024IsabelHardy15.00 $
08-02-2024LorraineGuay50.00 $
08-02-2024MathieuLévesque (Député de Chapleau)100.00 $

43 Number of donors

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Participating teams - Mont Tremblant

Palliacco's General Fund


Donate to the Palliacco General Fund, without participating in the rally or the torchlight evening.

This option does not allow you to make a donation to a person participating in the Trek.


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Thanks to our partner